Media Law Handbook



6. What laws govern employment ads?
5. Are drug paraphernalia ads legal?

7. What are the restrictions on advertising fireworks sales or displays?

Under the N.C. General Statutes, it is illegal to sell or advertise “any pyrotechnics of any description whatsoever”[139] in the state, though the statute does not apply to such items as sparklers, explosive caps for toy pistols, snakes and glow worms, trick noisemakers, and party poppers, among others listed.[140]  The term “pyrotechnics” also does not include ammunition for firearms.[141] 

There are exceptions for conducting fireworks displays at public events such as concerts, fairs and carnivals so long as they are approved in advance by the appropriate county board of commissioners and supervised by county-approved experts.[142]  However, under the statutes, a fireworks display authorized by the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and conducted on its property does not require county approval so long as the display is supervised by university–approved pyrotechnics experts.[143]  Advertising that promotes statutorily-approved fireworks displays is not prohibited under the statutes.        


[139] N.C. Gen. Stat. § 14-410(a).

[140] N.C. Gen. Stat. § 14-414.  The term “pyrotechnics” is defined as “any and all kinds of fireworks and explosives, which are used for exhibition or amusement purposes” with exemptions listed in the statutes.  Id.

[141] Id.

[142] N.C. Gen. Stat. § 14-410(a).

[143] Id.

6. What laws govern employment ads?
5. Are drug paraphernalia ads legal?

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